Kinesiology 2241A/B- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 29 pages long!)

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2 categories: statics: the study of bodies without acceleration (there is no inertia, dynamics: the study of bodies with acceleration (correct way to analyze biomechanics but. Articulations and frames: articulations are places where 2 or more bones met. These articulations can be classified by their structure and the motion that they allow: synarthrodial articulations. Immovable joints or places where two bones fuse together: sutures between the plates of the skull, amphiarthrodial articulations, these are cartilaginous joints, connected via fibrocartilage that is flexible but allows only a small range of motion. Joint space is full of synovial fluid that lubricates and nourishes the cartilage. Joint capsule is a watertight enclosure on the joint that keeps the synovial fluid in: their material and structure is very similar. So, less range of motion and greater chance of tearing or rupturing: ligaments and tendons become less stiff when warmed up.