Kinesiology 2241A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Retinal Ganglion Cell, Lamellar Corpuscle, Primary Motor Cortex

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Divisions of the nervous system: cns- central nervous system. Views of the brain: dorsal- the top, ventral- bottom, lateral- side, medial- middle. Ventral- front or belly (under side of brain) Coronal- cut vertically in the middle (front-back) Ball coming off the brain right before spinal cord. Concerned with life functions- respiration, body temperature etc. Each segment has a pair of spinal nerves (one left, one right) Spinal cord has 5 regions with different number of spinal segments: cervical- 8, thoracic- 12, lumbar- 5, sacral- 5, coccygeal- 1. Has two sections: telencephalon (consists of cerebral cortex) and dicephlon (consists of thalamus and retina) Visceral system (autonomic nervous system)- involuntary, pupil constriction blood pressure, sweating, crying, etc. Afferent- carry information to a place (going to the brain), usually refers to bringing sensory information to the cns. Efferent- carry information from a place (leaving brain), usually refers to taking motor information from cns to a motor target.