Kinesiology 2250A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Appeasement, Visible Minority, Secularism

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Culture consists of the ways of life people create as they participate in a group or society. They are created and changed as people struggle over what is important in their lives, how to do things, and how to make sense of their experiences. Culture encompasses all of the socially invented ways of thinking, feeling, and acting that emerge as people try to survive, meet their needs, and achieve a sense of meaning and significance in the process. The term society refers to a collection of people living in a defined geographical territory and united by a political system and a shared sense of self- identification that distinguishes them from other collections of people. Each has a different culture and different forms of social, political, and economic organization. Institutionalization is a sociological term referring to the process through which actions, relationships, and social arrangements become patterned or standardized over time and from one situation to another.