Kinesiology 2276F/G Final: KIN2276F_Final Exam

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Informational approaches providing information about pa and benefits or being active. To change knowledge and attitudes: behavioural approaches. To teach necessary skills for adoption and maintenance of behaviour change: social approaches. To create environments that facilitate and enhance behaviour change: environmental and policy approaches. To change the structure of environments; to provide better places for physical activity. Goals of informational approaches: benefits of physical activity, awareness of opportunities for physical activity, technique to overcome barriers to activity, strategies to overcome negative attitudes towards activity. Interventions that use an informational approach: motivational interviewing, mass media campaigns, community-wide campaigns, point of decision prompts, motivational interviewing. Focuses on one-on-one counselling, counsellor tries to get the person to talk about their feelings and attitudes about being physically active. Effectiveness of & drawbacks to mass media campaigns: effectiveness. Mixed success in increasing pa: drawbacks. Do not provide adequate or sufficient information. Engage community members and organizations in the development and delivery of physical activity information.