Kinesiology 3336A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Scapula, Impingement Syndrome, Teres Major Muscle

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Three g oals of o n field assessment: r ule out life or limb threatening injury, determine if the area is stable, how are you going to remove the athlete from the field. P rogression of assessment: s ubjective, ar o m, p r o m, r esisted, neurological (myotome and dermatome, s pecial tests, p alpation. What are the three functions of taping: p rovide immediate first aid, p revent injury, p rotect a previously injured limb, * never tape over suspected undiagnosed injury in order to allow participation. Anterior drawer for atfl: g rasp the leg with upper hand and secure foot on forearm, p ut ankle in slight plantar flexion because that is where atfl is tight. Deltoid and c fl: keep the finger over the ligament. Testing achilles tendon: thompson test, s ingle leg heel r aises. Longitudinal arch taping: s upport medial longitudinal arch and fix over pronation and plantar fasciitis.