Law 2101 Study Guide - Comprehensive Midterm Guide: Golden Rule, Statutory Interpretation, Constitution Act, 1867

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The constitution, statutes enacted by the federal parliament or a provincial legislature, Federal or provincial regulations, the decisions rendered by judges in the cases they decide, international law is also a source of law in canada. The two major sources of law are the law made by the courts (common law or case law) and the law made by legislature (statute law) A statute is a written law of legislative body, i. e. an act of parliament. Before it becomes a statute, an act proceeds through the legislature in the form of a bill. The common law deals with changing social or legal conditions only as they emerge in actual disputes. Statues deal in generalities and affect broad classes of persons and can be enacted in anticipation of future events. Today, some of our most important laws, such as the criminal code and the income tax.