Law 2101 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Effective Competition, Vertical Integration, Market Structure

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3 Jul 2020

Document Summary

= includes formally and non- formally constituted agreements (interpreted widely) = includes any legal and natural person engaged in some form of economic or commercial activity: agreements between undertakings, decisions by associations of undertakings, and concerted practices. Focus is upon trade associations but interpreted widely to include professional associations. = form of coordination between undertakings, which substitutes practical cooperation: cartels = group of independent but similar undertakings which work together to reach agreements which have anti-competitive effects and damaging to consumers and potential competitors. Does not distinguish between consten & grundig v commission horizontal agreements vertical agreements. = between parties operating at the same level. = between party"s operation on different levels of the production/ distribution chain of the production/ distribution chain. Must have a market share of at least 10% must have a market share of at least 15: which may affect trade between member states.