Law 2101 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Reference Question, Enel, European Central Bank

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16 Jul 2020

Document Summary

National court: art 258-260 tfeu; enforcement proceedings. If ms fails to fulfil eu law, then commission can start proceedings. Commission should give reasoned opinion after giving the ms opportunity to submit observations, state doesn"t comply with opinion = commission may bring ms to cjeu. Or if ms fails to fulfil eu law, other ms can start. Commission give reasoned opinion within 3 months. If not still can be brought to court: art 263 tfeu; action for annulment. To review legality of eu act and other acts. Actions can be brought by eu institutions and bodies & natural and legal persons under certain limited conditions. Art 264 tfeu: well-founded action cjeu declare act void: art. Ms & eu institutions can bring act. Compensation for damage in case of harm caused by action/inaction of eu or staff. Action can be brought by natural /legal persons: art 267 tfeu; preliminary reference, facts. Against something very specific in the eu system.