Law 2101 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Sex Reassignment Surgery, European Court Of Human Rights

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16 Jul 2020

Document Summary

Principle established: the establishment of a legal. Ecthr bond between mother and child through recognition of maternity in proceedings or through adoption and not through mater semper certa est constituted a breach of art. Echr: denying transsexual individuals who had gone gender- reassignment surgery the right to marry someone of the opposite sex constituted a breach of art. 12 echr: equal treatment of unmarried heterosexual partners and unmarried same-sex partners, unmarried cohabiting couples also enjoy protection of family life outlined in art. 8 echr: divorce was not legal in. Ireland so the man could not marry another woman as he was already married: marriage is a union of 2 persons of the opposite sex, art. 8 echr neither prohibits nor imposes the granting of the statues of marriage to same-sex couples: same-sex couples also enjoy protection of family life under. 8 echr despite not being able to mary: bans on homosexual conduct in national legislation is contrary to.