Law 5110 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Erga Omnes, Terra Nullius, Surtsey

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29 Jul 2020

Document Summary

Case of rhodesia: white minority government issued declaration of independence in. Bangladesh however shows that the use of unlawful force is not always an insurmountable obstacle to achieving statehood: in 1971, india invaded part of. Pakistan and paved the way for the creation of bangladeshi state. The population in the seceding territory in pakistan had been submitted to massive human rights violations from the pakistanis and the creation of the state through use of force was thus allowed. Right to self-determination all people have right to freely determine their political status and pursue their economic, social and cultural development. Referred to in article 1 of the un charter. East timor case: icj stated that right to determination is an essential principle of international law and is also erga omnes. Right to self-determination is a core legal norm by national courts. Its practical application has led to the decolonisation, when former colonies relied on the right to acquire an independent status.