Management and Organizational Studies 1023A/B Final: MOS 1023 Final Exam Review.docx

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MOS 1023A/B Full Course Notes
MOS 1023A/B Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

The study of how individuals, institutions, governments, and businesses acquire, spend, and manage money and other financial assets. Organizations or intermediaries that help the financial system operate efficiently and transfer funds from savers and investors to individuals, businesses, and governments that seek to spend or invest the funds in physical assets. Physical locations or electronic forums that facilitate the flow of funds among investors, businesses, and governments. Involves sale or marketing of securities, the analysis of securities, and the management of investment risk through portfolio diversification. Involves financial planning, asset management, and fund-raising decisions to enhance the value of the business. Study of how growth-driven, performance-focused, early-stage firms raise financial capital and manage operations and assets. Study of how individuals prepare for financial emergencies, protect against premature death and property losses, and accumulate wealth. Some of money can be invested and grow over time. Higher returns are expected for taking on more risk.