Management and Organizational Studies 2277A/B- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 86 pages long!)

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Money is #3: health is #1, next is your relationship/loved ones, money = choices, freedom, feeding the poor, healing the sick, a better world, everything, money is not evil, biggest myth of our life time is it is. One of the reasons the rich get richer, poor get poorer, and the middle class struggles in debt is because the topic of money isn"t taught in school. If you don"t email me then i may not cover what you need: be an active listener in class, take notes in class, ask questions in class. The only stupid questions are the ones that don"t get asked. And stop worrying about what other people will think !!: email me questions during the week, come to my office hours, study, and get a good jump on the assignments and do a good job. Easy marks if you put in the effort. Assignments: success assignment 15, budget assignment 15%