Management and Organizational Studies 4485F/G- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 32 pages long!)

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2: service-based, increased value placed on intangible assets such as human, customer, social and intellectual capital (important competitive advantage, changes in employment expectations. Professionals: cchra has a national code of ethics. Video: focusing on ethics and people at whole foods. How well the company meets the needs of its stakeholders: social responsibility can help company, boost image, gain access to new markets, attract and retain talented employees. Ability to deal with economic and social changes. Engaging in responsible and ethical business practices. Practicing environmental responsibility: global challenge, to survive companies must compete in international markets, be prepared to deal with the global economy (even companies without international operations are affected by the global economy) Improving hrm effectiveness: transformational 5-15, traditional 15-30, transactional 65-75, to meet all three challenges, companies need to capitalize on the diversity of values, abilities and perspectives of their employees. Identify strategic biz issues: scan the external environment.