Media, Information and Technoculture 1050A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Great Fear, New Media, Old Media

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Rhetorical analysis identify particular strategies that an author uses to appeal to or persuade an audience. Look for: visual rhetoric, verbal rhetoric, photographic elements, music, presentational rhetoric. Mise-en-scene everything in front of the camera; consists of setting, actors, props, lighting. Visual rhetoric - ele(cid:373)e(cid:374)ts to g(cid:396)a(cid:271) (cid:448)ie(cid:449)e(cid:396)"s atte(cid:374)tio(cid:374), i(cid:374)(cid:272)ludes: (cid:272)olou(cid:396), se(cid:454)ual (cid:272)ues, violence, etc. Semiotic analysis analysis of formal structure of how meaning is made. Sign composed of the signifier and the signified. Denotative (1st order meaning) surface meaning, without analyzing or trying to invoke meaning. Connotative (2nd order meaning) interpreting underlying messages/themes. Paradigms chain/collection of signs, invoke each other because they are culturally related. Syntagms relations of syntax, order of signs creates meaning, builds relationships between otherwise unrelated images. Genre recognizable groupings of things; a signifying system defined not only by an individual instance but in relation to other texts in a group. Helps us make choices, set expectations, rules and limits, recognize what we like.