Media, Information and Technoculture 2000F/G Study Guide - Final Guide: Paul Gottlieb Nipkow, Non-Commercial Educational, Packet Switching

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Canada pacific railroads: economic venture, conquering space and nature, spreading civilization, extending government presence, patriotic sentiment. James clerk maxwell 1864 paper, predicted electromagnetic waves. Heinrich hertz produced and detected waves 1887 1 hertz = 1 cycle/second. Guglielmo marconi perfected wireless telegraph (influenced by hertz) wireless telegraph and signal. Company | first trans-atlantic signal 1901 privacy issues with listening in. Radio before ww1 would include amateur hobbyists, assembled from spare parts. There were problems with pranksters targeting the navy and false obscene messages. Titanic + radio history distress signal first detected in newfoundland. Radio act of 1912: amateurs must be licenced: shortwave radio only, no military/commercial wave lengths. In 1921 11 thousand licenced, while several thousand were unlicensed. Herbert hoover: radio as commercial, not common carrier. Early broadcast radio: 1920: music broadcast, lease telephone lines. Cnr rado network: railways, stations in major cities. 3 hours of programming a day (symphonies, operas, special events.