Media, Information and Technoculture 3214F/G Study Guide - Final Guide: Cyborg, List Of The Belgariad And The Malloreon Characters, Public Knowledge

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Document Summary

Control: disease controls how everyone acts, ghting, killing, drove people to insanity ! Isolation: everyone feels alone since they cannot communicate with each other, leads to the chaos on the bus ! Fear of survival: going to brothers house cause felt as if she couldn"t survive alone anymore, bonded with obsedian so well as a form of protection to her! Power of language: not being able to communicate and talk about things, being dehumanized, cannot have society without it! Panopticon, political responsibility: same access to surveillance as the government which shows how much control they don"t have over us! Children: idea of children and how much of a child hood you can have when growing up around so much technology ! Memories: what do they mean to us if everyone has access to them? one of the last lines, looking back and constantly watching! Story within a story: so many things going on, power struggles !