Music 1711F/G Study Guide - Final Guide: Counterpoint, Harmonice Musices Odhecaton, Recitative

47 views3 pages
17 Nov 2014

Document Summary

Intabulation rewriting works (that were originally for voice) for a plucked stringed instrument or a keyboard. Estampie medieval dance and instrumental musical style that was popular in the 13th and 14th century. Europe began to flourish again after the dark middle ages. Also a time that focused on the ideologies of classical antiquities. Humanism ideology based on reason rather than faith begin to question things and thing for themselves. Focus on realism, the human body and what is pleasing to the human. printing press invented in 1455 by johannes gutenburg. Had moveable type, which allowed for more copies of documents to be made information traveled more widespread. Johannes gutenberg / gutenberg bible invented the printing press. The gutenberg bible was the first beautiful book to be printed using moveable type. Reformation martin luther was what sparked the reformation away from the catholic church.