Nursing 1170A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Professional Boundaries, Nursing Process, Eye Contact

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Not about doing for; rather, the nurse works with. Cno(cid:495)s therapeutic relationship: trust, respect, empathy, power, professional intimacy. Therapeutic relationships happen even in urgent care situations: The system creates harder environments to create trs. Poor nurse-client ratios: less nurses than clients. Length of stay: shorter stays are harder to build trs. Acuity: prioritization, patient(cid:495)s stability, specific purpose health goal, helper sets boundaries, ends, necessity. Social/helping focus is equal: no specific purpose, spontaneous, lasts indefinitely. Never exceeds professional boundaries: under-involved, zone of helpfulness, over-involved. Defining a problem changes from professional and therapeutic to unprofessional and personal. Ask increasingly focused questions to ensure understanding. Seductive pull in helping/therapeutic relationship makes the nurse feel. Highways: there are rules of the road when you breach them there will be. Bridge: the nurse and client start on opposite sides and goals are met in the. Map: nurse needs to know the lay of the land despite complexity/blurred/not.