[Nursing 3310A/B] - Midterm Exam Guide - Ultimate 32 pages long Study Guide!

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Frequent and sustained contact between previously isolated cultures is changing the definition and the role of culture in health care. Essentialist perspective: culture is static and unchanging, clear differences between people, hides the diversity in a population where the influence of the physical, social, political, and historical contexts is subtle and is rarely taught. Constructivist perspective: focused on learning cognitive aspects of culture such as values, beliefs, and traditions of a particular group and applying this knowledge in practice, product of social constructions, dynamic, evolving person, influenced and is an influencer, Recognition of the cultural processes in an organization offers an opportunity to question current practices and can lead to change. Definition of cultural competence in nursing literature: the process in which the health care provider continuously strives to achieve the ability to effectively work within the cultural context of a client (individual, family or community) .