Nursing 3340A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Power Control, Central Tendency, Categorical Variable

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Week 6 content analysis, presenting, and critiquing qualitative data: understand the purpose and use of content analysis; Numbers can be manipulated on world view with statistical methods. Multiple themes emerge from data collected: review the different approaches to displaying data and presenting findings in reports, articles, and posters; Key is to present depth and richness of data support findings, relay what needs to be known, expressed with qualifiers not numbers. Select right number of relevant pieces of data. Use charts, pictures, diagrams illustrate analytical process, illustrate findings. Models/diagrams: describe key aspects of critiquing a qualitative study and its analysis. Consider how truthful, relevant, and applicable the research is. Week 7 foundations of data analysis: quantitative: review and apply key terms used to discuss quantitative data handling and preparation. All members of a particular group of interest. Describe or explain the variance that occurs naturally of through manipulation. Manipulated or controlled by researcher i. e. test drug.