Nursing 3340A/B Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Selection Bias, External Validity, Internal Validity

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Ontology: assumptions about the nature of reality; reality is based off your personal interpretation. Epistemology: assumptions about the relationship between the knower and the known. Methodology: an articulated, theoretically informed approach to the production of data. Induction: concrete ideas to abstract (theory building; data to theory) Deduction: abstract to concrete (theory testing; theory to data. Quantitative research research that aims to explain, test, and predict (deductive) Aim to be objective (reduce bias and increase control) Characteristics: accuracy, control, extraneous variable, homogeneous sampling, constancy in data collection, manipulation of the independent variable, randomization, data to answer: what, how much, and/or why, threats: Internal validity: history threats, maturation effects, testing effects, mortality (attrition, selection bias. Instrumentation threats: external validity, threats, selection effects, reactive effects, measurement effects. Probability: the frequency of an event in repeated trials under similar conditions. Statistic (estimate): a characteristic of a sample, described in mathematical terms. Parameter: a characteristic of a population (measure of everyone)