Philosophy 1305F/G Study Guide - Final Guide: John Stuart Mill, J. David Velleman, Geoffrey Nunberg

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Document Summary

Normative: theoretical, based on perspective, take as advice (more philosophical questions) Empricial: numbers, statistics, observed in experiments, factual (more scientific questions) Strong principle: if it is in our power to prevent something bad from happening, without thereby sacrificing anything of comparable moral importance, we ought morally, to do so. Moderate principle: if it is in our power to prevent something bad from happening, without thereby sacrificing anything of moral significance, we ought morally, to do so. The numbers of people who you help make a difference to should not matter. A person should help others regardless of whether or not other people are helping and if everyone gives a little bit, we would be able to overcome it rather than a few people giving a big amount. We have to do enough to show that we truly have helping others as our end and not as mere means.