Philosophy 2080 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Assault Causing Bodily Harm, Crown Attorney, O. J. Simpson

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American criminal cases- the people v. larry flint. English criminal cases- director of public prosecutions v. smith. General deterrence- deterring the public from committing crimes. Specific deterrence- deterring that specific person from committing more crimes. Reasons: first- crown may not want to prosecute because their principle witness is reluctant to give evidence which will affect how the crown views its reasonable chance of obtaining a conviction and they may withdraw charges. This is done in front of a justice of the peace and there is still some latitude in the crown"s office about the prosecution of the case. The criminal code of canada there are no common law criminal offences in canada. This defense exists at common law and a version of this defence is also found in the criminal code. Some defences have been codified and some remain at common law: they are both statutory and common law defenses.