Pharmacology 2060A/B Final: Comprehensive Drug List

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Coa reductase (the rate- limiting step of cholesterol synthesis) therefore blocking the conversion of. Attract and bind bile acids in the intestine and prevent their absorption. Increase ldl receptors, increase uptake of cholesterol to decrease plasma levels. Contraindicated in pregnant or women trying to become pregnant. Intense faccial flushing, hepatotoxicity, hyperglycemia, skin rash, and increase uric acid levels. Constipation and bloating, decrease absorption of some drugs. Ppara to increase lipoprotein lipase which enhances the clearance of triglyceride rich lipoproteins. Decreases apolipoprotein c-iii which allows for increased lipoprotein lipase activity. Increases a-1 and a-ii levels which increase hdl levels. Block sodium and chloride ion reabsorption in the thick ascending loop of henle. Block sodium and chloride ion reabsorption in the distal tubule and decrease vascular resistance. Inhibit aldosterone receptors in the collecting duct causing increased sodium excretion and potassium retention. Rapid loss of fluid: used in edema, severe hypertension, severe renal failure. Hyperkalemia, should not be used with ace inhibitors.