Physiology 3120 Study Guide - Final Guide: Brainstem, Hair Cell, Cortical Column

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Document Summary

For this section on neurophysiology you are only responsible for material covered in lectures and in the. That is, there is no assigned textbook for this part of the course. The function of the lectures is to broadly explain the relevant physiological concepts. I do this using simple visual diagrams or simple demonstrations. The function of the study guide is to be a record of the diagrams presented and the major points discussed in lecture. That is, the study guide serves as an initial set of notes that covers most of the same points presented in lectures. The study guide does not attempt to explain concepts. It is important to understand that neurophysiology is a rapidly developing discipline with new information constantly replacing the old. Consequently, correct answers to exam questions will come only from the. They will not come from anywhere else including other courses, the.