Physiology 3140A Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Bovine Serum Albumin, Phosphate-Buffered Saline, Western Blot

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Western Blot Module
- Used to quantify protein expression
- Steps of western blot:
1. Isolate protein from sample (either tissue or cells)
If the protein of interest is intracellular, use detergent to rupture cells
If protein of interest is extracellular, grind tissue using homogenizer
2. See if protein isolation was equivalent bw samples (Quantify the protein)
Determine how much units of proteins (in mg) in the volume of isolation buffer
(in mL)
3. Load equal concentrations of total protein from each sample in a gel matrix to be
separated by size
4. Transfer separated proteins from gel to membrane (more resilient)
5. Detect protein of interest with a primary antibody
6. Add a secondary antibody (with an enzyme tag) to recognize the primary antibody to
amplify the signal
7. Add a substrate that the enzyme tag of secondary antibody will cleave
The substrate produces a chemiluminescent light that can be visualized by film
or by specialized camera
- STEP 1: Protein Isolation VIDEO:
o Protein isolation must be done on ice
o Remove growth medium (has all factors that help cell grow in culture, including
proteins in the serum)
o The cells are adhered to the tissue culture plastic and remain adhered after all the media
has been removed
o Wash cells with saline solution (ex: PVS or phosphate buffered saline)
Must wash cells to remove any residual serum
Therefore removing any potential contaminants
o Now we can lyse the cells using a lysis buffer which contains detergents
Cells rupture and release proteins to extracellular environment
o Cells are detached from culture plate
Scraping cells from bottom of plate enhancing lysis reaction by increasing
surface area of the cells to the detergent molecules
o Now collect protein sample in Eppendorf tube for western blot
o Keep protein sample on ice to prevent degradation of sample
- STEP 2: Protein quantification:
o This is done to make sure that equal amounts of each protein are loaded in each well in
the blot
o Allows accurate comparison bw diff experimental conditions
o 2 ways to do this:
bicinchoninic acid (BCA) assay
place small amount of protein sample in individual wells with copper
acid solution
also plate a series of a standard protein (bovine serum albumin) of
known concentration with the copper acid solution
copper is reduced from Cu2+ to Cu1+ in the presence of bicinchoninic
acid (produces a purple/blue colored solution in alkaline conditions)
Pipette a small volume of protein sample (1-10 uL) in Eppendorf tube
Aliquoted protein sample needs to be diluted with water
Here, you don’t need to keep it on ice bc the diluted samples will only be used to
quantify total protein
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