[Political Science 1020E] - Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (23 pages long!)

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P o l i t i c a l s c i e n c e 1 0 2 0 e. Uwo political science 1020e term 2 lecture 1. Rival forms of the state: cities, traditional kingdoms, empires. State model proves itself to be superior after 1500, it establishes itself as relevant and useful and better than the other models. State model succeeds in establishing itself to the extent that states become universal. Fa(cid:373)il(cid:455): (cid:862)parti(cid:272)ular altruis(cid:373)(cid:863); i (cid:272)are deepl(cid:455) for my family members in particular. Ci(cid:448)il so(cid:272)iet(cid:455): (cid:862)u(cid:374)i(cid:448)ersal egois(cid:373)(cid:863); i i(cid:374)tera(cid:272)t (cid:449)ith the (cid:271)roader world in pursue of my own interests. Tate: (cid:862)u(cid:374)i(cid:448)ersal altruis(cid:373)(cid:863); the e(cid:374)tire so(cid:272)iet(cid:455) is (cid:272)ared for (cid:271)(cid:455) the state. The state is the end of history. State functions as a provider of structure and stability. Marxist: class conflict the state functions to resolve class conflict. The marxist view is too loose because this would then encompass anything that functions in that way.