Political Science 1020E Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Egotism, Civil Society, Class Conflict

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Define the state: the states haven"t always existed, rival forms: cities as sovereign entities like city- states , traditional kingdoms, empires, will we always have states, defining "state": State model now universal: hegelian idealism, development: there is a moving history, particularly towards an "end" in history. Family: "particular altruism"- a heightened level concern and responsibility: civil society: "universal egoism"- everyone treats everyone else with a special sort of selfishness or egoism. The world is now not just organized into families but there is now a civil level. State: "universal altruism"- the state is a broad universal body and exists to have an impact on society as a whole, there is a high concern for degree and caring. State as an end of history: woodrow wilson: state idealist (hegelian, functionalism: you get what you need. State as a provider of order and stability; hobbes would align with this idea. So, what threatens order: marxists: class conflict- state resolves it.