Political Science 1020E Final: Comprehensive Study Guide

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4 different theories of the state: the pluralist state the state the believes in a commitment to diversity, or that power in modern societies is widely and evenly distributed, state as a neutral arbiter or umpire the capitalist state the state is part of a superstructure that is conditioned by the economic base, which is the real foundation of social life, state is fully dependent on the bourgeoisie the leviathan state a self serving monster intendant on expansion and increasing power the patriarchal state a state that favours men. Non democratic regimes have 3 ways in which they assert that their regime is legitimate: elections, whether rigged or not, to show people that they do have a say over who is the leader they deliver rising living standards and public order, including improvement to social institutions ideological legitimation they use their ideology to prove that they belong in power.