Psychology 1000 Study Guide - Wilder Penfield, Empiricism, Sigmund Freud

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PSYCH 1000 Full Course Notes
PSYCH 1000 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

Father of psychology, wanted to establish the study of the mind as a science. Analyzed the mind in terms of its basic components [structuralism] Prof of psych, philo and physiology at harvard. Was a big-picture person and liked to look at things as a whole [functionalism] Researched apes and other animals, concluded intelligence is the ability to perceive relationships (insight) His research into insight learning opened new doors for the subjects of perception, intelligence and problem solving. Observed the development of intelligence in children. Noted that cognitive development happened in stages and is completely independent from a child"s past experiences. Irrational thought patterns caused depression, not environment. Studied hysteria, concluded that human nature is violent and sexual. Adult personality is strongly influenced by our childhood experiences. Never ending internal struggle between violence and repression. Proper subject of psychology is observable behavior. Give me a dozen infants and i can raise them up to be anything .