Psychology 1000 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Genetic Engineering, Heritability, Determinism

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PSYCH 1000 Full Course Notes
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Polygenic transmission: when a number of gene pairs come together to determine a single phenotype to be expressed. Genetic engineering allows some gene-linked psychological disorders to be observed on a closer level. Heritability coefficient: indicates how strongly a trait is linked to genetics vs. environment. [can"t have heritability unless if there"s variance in the population] High concordance between highly related people, more chances that it"s genetically linked. The best known studies of genes-environment interaction are studies of intelligence and. Reaction range of a genetically influenced trait controls how much the trait an fluctuate personality. and grow . High heritability in attitudes towards preservation of life, equality and athleticism. Genetic influence also related to alcohol abuse, seasonal mood changes, anxiety and novelty seeking. Biologically based mechanisms receives input from environment, processes info and responds to it controls all behavior in organisms. Evolved biological mechanisms: aggression, altruism, kin selection/protection, mate.