Psychology 2011A/B- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 49 pages long!)

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Religious, psychiatric, medical, physics have different approaches to consciousness. Qualia are raw fields and they refer to the experiential aspect/refer to the quality of your experience; your experience feels like something. An organism"s ability to discriminate between stimuli and act in goal directed manner. I. e dog runs to food when the dog notices food in the food dish, it does not run to its bed, or kitchen. If you have the capacity for self-reference, then we supposed that you have the subjective states. You can find some way of getting your hands on (operationalize) the subjective state (psychological variable) The experience, the emotions, thoughts, feelings, whatever is going on for the person. Has to do with existential quality, the sense that anything is going on at all. I. e. of all at once, driving down a road and talking about football and quarterbacks while the streetlight turns from yellow to red.