Psychology 2020A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Harrison Narcotics Tax Act, Poppy Tea, Opioid Receptor

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Psych 2020 midterm 2 notes
Crack a form of cocaine that’s smokeable, during the mid ’s crack was getting media
attention daily with concern of teratological effects on babies
Crack baby term coined by media to describe offspring of mothers who used crack
during during pregnancy suggesting these children suffered irreversible damage
Consensus that children born to cocaine using mothers have: low birth weight and length
(disappear as children grow older), externalizing behavior, and some cognitive impairments
and difficulty in language learning
Cannabis about 3% of women giving birth report using some illicit drug during pregnancy
and marijuana use was reported by 75% of the women using illicit drugs; maternal THC use
doesn’t produce the type of severe teratological effects seen with alcohol and solvents but
there is some risk for some effects
Opiates if a pregnant woman has been using opiates during pregnancy its likely that the
baby will exhibit withdrawal symptoms upon birth for around 7-10 days but no lasting effects
of experiencing withdrawal
If a pregnant woman is on opiate maintenance recommended to continue maintenance
during pregnancy because stress from withdrawal potentially more harmful than
continued exposure to opiates
Termed narcotics from greek word narke meaning numbness, sleep, or stupor
Naturally occurring opiates are alkaloids of the poppy plant Papaver somniferum but
garden varieties of the poppy plant don’t contain psychoactive substances
Principle form of opiates for many centuries was opium-prepared by drying and
powdering thick, gummy, bitter tasting brown substance from the milky juice taken
from the seed capsules of the Papaver somniferum
At least 25 active alkaloids in opium-most important being morpheine, codeine, and
Thebaine isn’t active itself but it’s the source of opiate derivative Oxycodone found in
Percodone, Percocet, and Oxycotin
Evidence of medical use of opium in cultures as long as 4,000 years ago and spread
from the middle east to Europe in the 11th and 12th centuries
In 1520 Paracelsus introduced laudanum (something to be praised in Latin) as a
medicinal drink containing opium, wine and spices
Opium wars in 1840s where demand for tea increased in Britain and East Indian
Company wanted to import more tea from China but company didn’t want to pay for
tea with currency they wanted to pay with opium and the Chinese government
opposed and destroyed large quantities of opium on East Indian Company ships
leading British to declare war
Term chasing the dragon sine smoke trail from smoking opium resembled a dragon’s
tail often seen in Chinese parades
Serturner isolated active ingredient of opium in 1803 and named it morphium after the
Greek God of dreams Morpheus
Use of morphine as an analgesic improved in 1856 with the development of the syringe
and hollow needle
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Extensive use of morphine during American Civil War resulted in first widespread
opiate addiction known as the soldier’s disease
Opium use fairly common in US and Canada in the 1800s and in the 19th century
drinking opium in patent medicines was common in women who were forbidden to
drink alcohol and children given by mothers
Opium containing tonics available in 1800s included Godfrey’s Cordial, Pennysworth of
Peace, and Winslow’s soothing syrup
Typical user of patent medicines was a white, middle to upper class female 30-50 years
old; women users outnumbered men 3 to 1
Anti-alcohol movement became more active in latter part of ’s and expanded to
general anti-drug move
Economic conditions were becoming more difficult and public sentiment started to
turn against any practices thought to be associated with minority groups
Harrison Narcotics Act of 1914 in USA at first simply requiring physicians prescribing
opiates keep records and pay a fee but courts pressured and ruled opiate addiction
wasn’t a medical condition and doctors couldn’t prescribe it
Drug legislation in Canada traced to economic reasons and racial prejudice in late
1800s and early 1900s because of a large influx of Chinese immigrants who smoked
Opium and once jobs declined racially based regulations were passed to limit
Animosity led to violence in 1907 when a visit by anti-chinese crusaders led to a riot in
Vancouver and Mackenzie King went in to investigate
He introduced a report suggesting that opium trade be banned and emphasized 3 main
reasons for the ban: 1) trade violated Christian ideals 2) Chinese were making huge
profits in the trade 3) use was increasing among Caucasian men and women
1908 Opium Act was the first drug legislation in Canada and made it illegal to import,
manufacture, or sell opium for nonmedical purposes; possession or use weren’t made
1911 opium and drug act made possession a crime, expanded police powers of search
and seizure and made cocaine an illegal substance
’s period of intense moral crusading against drug use with a theme of racial
Major new drug law was passed as the 1929 Opium and Narcotic drug act:
-physicians required to keep detailed records of all opiates dispensed
-cannabis included,
-right of seizure given
-maintenance doses no longer considered accepted medical practice
-Stiffer penalties-min sentence of 6 months in jail and $200 fine, max sentence 7 years and
$1000 fine
-Writ of assistance introduced-open ended search warrant given to a police officer for life only
abolished in 1985
1954 drug legislation passed added possession for purpose of trafficking
1961 Narcotics Control Act increased maximum for possession to life
1996 Controlled Drugs and Substances Act-8 schedules of drugs
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Legislation coming in summer of 2018 on Cannabis would restrict small pot purchases
for personal use to adults and make selling weed to minors a new and serious criminal
Many opiates have recognized medical uses pain relief being the primary one
Nonmedical use of prescription opiates is the leading cause of accidental death in US
overtaking car accidents
Naturally occurring opiates are morphine and codeine-isolated from opium and
available in liquid form for oral consumption, pill and powder form, powder can be
snorted or mixed with liquid and injected
Codeine was sold as an over the counter cough suppressant which led to abuse of
cough medicines and now only available with prescription
Heroin is a naturally occurring opiate synthesized by C. R. Adler Wright in 1874 by
adding 2 acetyl groups to the morphine molecule, more lipid soluble and less ionized
than morphine introduced in 1898 as a analgesic for coughs
Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid up to 100 times more potent than morphine that is
typically used to treat patients with severe pain, often associated with overdose in
recreational users
Derivatives of fentanyl are being increasingly sold by drug dealers (carfentanil,
sufentanil, alfentanil)
Oxycodone is synthesized from a thebaine in opium, abusers crush up pills to destroy
the time release mechanism, when combined with aspirin called Percodan and
combined with acetaminophen called Percocet)
Hydrocodone-combined with acetominophen known as Vicadin or Norco difference
being the dose of acetominophen lower doses in Norco
Oxymorphone (trade name Opana) reported to have overtaken Oxycotin as most
abused prescription opiate
Hydromorphone (Dilaudid) morphine derivative widely abused
Modification of morphine molecule have also produced opiate antagonists with
structures similar to that of opiates but produce no pharmacological activity and
prevent or reverse the effect of opiates
Naloxone is the best known antagonist with an onset in minutes and duration of about
30 minutes given by injection
Naltrezxone another antagonist can be given orally and has a long duration
Lifetime use of heroine by Canadians age 15+ estimated at 0.4%
Medical use of an opiate reported by 13% of Canadians 15+
Abuse of a prescribed opiate reported by 2%
Intravenous administration is the method most people associate with opiate use but
actually least common method other than for heroine
Oral administration is the most common use though they can also be snorted but not
effective since most aren’t well absorbed across the mucosal lining
Poppy tea use of opiate made by brewing dried poppy seed heads called DODA
Opiate effects
- Intravenous injection produces a tingling sensation and feeling of warmth in the lower
- Euphoria
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Document Summary

Consensus that children born to cocaine using mothers have: low birth weight and length (disappear as children grow older), externalizing behavior, and some cognitive impairments and difficulty in language learning. Opiates if a pregnant woman has been using opiates during pregnancy its likely that the baby will exhibit withdrawal symptoms upon birth for around 7-10 days but no lasting effects of experiencing withdrawal. Percodone, percocet, and oxycotin thebaine from the middle east to europe in the 11th and 12th centuries. In 1520 paracelsus introduced laudanum (something to be praised in latin) as a medicinal drink containing opium, wine and spices: opium wars in 1840s where demand for tea increased in britain and east indian. 1800s and early 1900s because of a large influx of chinese immigrants who smoked. Opium and once jobs declined racially based regulations were passed to limit immigration: animosity led to violence in 1907 when a visit by anti-chinese crusaders led to a riot in.