Psychology 2030A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Binge Eating Disorder, Binge Eating, Bulimia Nervosa

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Maladjustment final - chapters 7, 9, 11 & 14. Anorexia nervosa (an): inability to maintain normal healthy body weight (gull - 19th century) Amenorrhea (loss of period for < 3 months ) - not criterion; from body shutting down reproductive functioning. Relapses & remissions (get better, spiral back) measured by bmi (low bmi = anorexia) - weight in kg/height in m^2. Exercise constantly, restriction of energy intake relative to needed energy requirements (visible eating disorder) Even after recovery, have low bmis, can get osteoporosis, depression & infertility. B/t 8-62% anorexics develop bulimia nervosa during 1st 5 yrs. Dsm-5: deny they have illness, intense fear of gaining weight & use of weight/shape as measure of self-evaluation. Restricting or binge eating/purging (binge eating/purging/both) subtypes. Perception of body size & weight is distorted intense fear of getting fat (psychosis) 3 possible problems: experience weight/shape as large even when emaciated. Placing undue importance on body weight/shape as measure of self-evaluation.