Psychology 2030A/B Study Guide - Androcentrism, Meta-Analysis, Nonverbal Communication

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Gender stereotypes may vary depending on ethnicity and they typically favour males. Gender similarity hypothesis: males and females are more similar than different on most psychological variables. When it comes to verbal abilities, gender differences are small and they generally favour females. Gender differences are also small in mathematical abilities but they favour males. Males perform much better than females on the spatial ability (perceiving and mentally manipulating shapes and figures), however this skill can be improved through practice. Males are typically are somewhat higher in self-esteem, although the findings are coplex. Males tend to be more physically aggressive and have more permissive attitudes towards casual sex and are more sexually active. Males and females are similar in the experience of emotions, but females are more likely to outwardly display emotions. Social role theory asserts that minor gender differences are exaggerated by the different social roles that males and females occupy.