Psychology 2032A/B Quiz: Eating Disorders

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Eating Disorders
Became a distinct category in DMS-IV, DSM-5: eating disorders found in “Feeding &
Eating Disorders”
o Pica = eating nonfood substances for extended periods
o Rumination = repeated regurgitation of foods
1) Restriction of food that leads to very low body weight; body weight is significantly
below normal
BMI less than 18.5)
o Weight loss achieved through dieting and perhaps purging and excessive
2) Intense fear of weight gain/being fat or repeated behaviours that interfere with
weight gain *fear not reduced by weight loss
3) Body image disturbance *distorted body image or sense of body shape
o Particularly the abdomen, hips, thighs are too fat
o Weight themselves frequently, measure themselves, gaze in the mirror
o Often assessed via questionnaire
Women ideal: very thin (compared to normal), overestimate their own size,
Male ideal: same
as normal, overestimate their own size
SEVERITY: (BMI) Mild = =/< 17, Moderate = 16-16.99, Severe = 15-15.99,
Extreme = <15
o Healthy BMI is between 20-25
Amenorrhea = loss of menstrual period, is no longer a criteria
Term anorexia refers to loss of appetite, nervosa indicates loss is due to emotional
2 subtypes:
o 1) Restricting type: weight loss is achieved by severely restricting food
o 2) Binge eating/purging: person has also regularly engaged in binge eating
and purging
Nearly 2/3 who meet category 1, switched over to 2 eight years
Typically begins in middle teenage years, often after episode of dieting an
occurrence of life stress
Prevalence: less than 1% (stable), 10x as frequent in women as men *greater
cultural emphasis on
women’s beauty
o Higher mortality from men with disorder than women
Comorbid with: depression, OCD, specific phobia, panic disorder and personality
High suicide rates: 5%
complete, 20% attempt
Low blood pressure, slow heart rate, kidney/gastrointestinal problems, bone
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