Psychology 2035A/B : Txt Chpt 3- Stress & Its Effects

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Stress: any circumstances that threaten or are perceived to threaten one"s well-being and thereby tax one"s coping abilities. 1/3 americans report living w/ extreme stress. 1/2 believed stress had increases over past 5 yrs. Routine hassles may produce significant negative effects on mental/physical health. Scores on scales measuring daily hassles were more strongly related to mental health than scores measuring life events. Stressful events probably have a cumulative impact. Personal charact. (resilience/ optimism) can buffer distressing daily hassels. Stress lie in the eye of the beholder. Lazarus & folkman: primary vs secondary appraisal. Primary appraisal: an initial evaluation of whether an event is (1) irrelevant to you, (2) relevant, but not threatening, or (3) stressful. When an event is stressful to you, likely to make secondary appraisal. Secondary appraisal: an evaluation of your coping resources and options for dealing with the stress. Eg. (1) whether job interview was stressful (2) how stressful was it.