Psychology 2042A/B Study Guide - Developmental Psychopathology, Neuroplasticity, Molecular Genetics

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Document Summary

Theory: language of science that allows us to assemble and communicate existing knowledge more comprehensively. Etiology: study of causes of childhood disorders: multiple, interactive causes not one-dimensional models. Abnormal development is multiply determined: multiply determined: look beyond the child"s current symptoms and consider developmental pathways and interacting events that over time contribute to the expression of a disorder. Child and environment are interdependent: child and environment are interdependent: influence each other. Transactional view: dynamic interaction of child and environment: both child and environment = active contributors to adaptive and maladaptive behaviour, cannot separate one from the other. Abnormal development involves continuities and discontinuities: continuity: developmental changes are gradual and quantitative, future patterns can be predicted from earlier patterns. Early onset & persistent conduct disorders: discontinuity: developmental changes are abrupt and qualitative, future unpredictable. Changes, typical and atypical: guidelines for typical order of development = helpful, but age = arbitrary.