Psychology 2061A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Hugo Münsterberg, Human Resource Management, Job Satisfaction

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Performance = ability + motivation, and other organizational factors. The scientist - practitioner model: research questions come from actual challenges and opportunities faced by organizations. I/o research is the combination scientific research and professional practice: ex. How should we design our office: using surveys and experiences to develop evidence-based recommendations to improve work practices. I/o psychologists: consult with organizations by offering assessment and strategic recommendations, study organizations for the sake of advancing knowledge. The early years: taylorism: fred w. taylor popularized the idea of scientific management, emphasized maximal efficiency from humans and machine, wanted to minimize skill requirements for job, job learning time, separating planning from execution, ex. Building cars: just teach people one skill instead of how to build the whole car (assembly line: end goal: increasing productivity and profit consequences of this [boring] work: absenteeism, dissatisfaction, chronic use injuries.