Psychology 2075 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Havelock Ellis, Combined Oral Contraceptive Pill, Human Sexuality

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Moralistic: terrible things will happen to people so they shouldn"t do it (e. g. approach to studying sexuality: moralistic vs. scientific masturbation) Neither are better, both are just different views. Scientific: the idea of understanding the situation rather than control: biological: evolutionary theory/sociobiology, social and cultural approaches, psychological: freud"s psychodynamic theory. Sexual selection based on survival and passing your genes along. Survival vs sexual selection (preference) (e. g. red cardinals are attractive to the females however that"s going against survival as it makes them easier to be found) (e. g. Giraffes have evolved long necks so that they can survive better when there"s a shortage of vegetation on the ground) Why are men and women different? learning, cognitive. Psychodynamic (freud) cross-cultural sociocultural: power differentials, strength and aggression, ownership. Sigmund freud"s theory: termed psychoanalysis: born with biologically based sex drives that must be channeled through socially approved outlets, unconscious and conscious levels. 190 cultures around the world that allow it.