Psychology 2075 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Activin And Inhibin, Testosterone, Progesterone

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Chapter 5: prenatal period: the time from conception to birth. Inhibin is another hormone produced in the testes - it acts to regulate fsh levels in a negative feedback loop just as testosterone does with lh: cycles in men. Inhibin is produced by the ovaries, inhibiting fsh production and participates in the loop. It is also known as the "snuggle chemical" because it seems to promote affectionate bonding. If the egg is fertilized and timing goes properly, about 6 days after ovulation the fertilized egg arrives in the uterus: the corpus luteum continues to produce estrogen and progesterone for about 10-12 days. In the 7th week after conception, the sex chromosomes direct the gonads to begin differentation. In the male, the undifferentiated gonas develops into testis at 7 weeks. In female, the wolffian ducts degenerate, and the mullerian ducts turn into fallopian tubes, uterus, and vagina: tubercle -> clitoris.