Psychology 2135A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Hebbian Theory, Insead, Satisficing

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Cognitive science the interdisciplinary study of the mind. Access to the input or action stimuli. See the output, the behaviour of the stimuli. Inner workings of the mind (representations and processes but we cannot observe what is going on in the mind. How breakdowns can illuminate the mind: how the mind fails, affects how the mind works, example any of the illusions. How time can illuminate the mind: brain has a use it or lose it mentality, example, studying. Cognitive complexity and the necessity of bias. Bias: systematic errors, processes can be inferred based on how and under what conditions the mind fails. Time from an onset of a stimulus until a response is made. Searching for an assignment of values given a set of variables so that the values satisfy the constraint. Compare and contrast hebbian learning and back propagation.