Psychology 2135A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Source-Monitoring Error, Episodic Memory, Propranolol

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Includes semantic and episodic memory but then it fades into semantic. Memories that seem very vivid and clear like they"re a snapshot in time. They tend to be very distinctive event with a strong emotional component. Seem to have more details that a normal memory but the number of details is actually no better but we think that we remember more. The stories are more likely to be congruent because they get rehearsed more. Narrative rehearsal process: you talk about major events a lot more than a random, everyday event this rehearsal helps memories stick in your memory. People are normally more confident in their answers especially as time went on. Memory is a constructive process, just like top-down perception. Source monitoring: determining the source of our knowledge, beliefs or memories. Source misattributions: a source monitoring error basically we don"t remember the source that our knowledge, beliefs or memories came from.