Psychology 2800E Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Microsoft Powerpoint

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You must hand in the completed ethics checklist to your instructor prior to beginning your study. Also hand in the informed consent and debriefing sheets, as well as all other material (e. g. , questionnaires, powerpoint presentations, videos) you will use. No: will the participants be told that they can discontinue their. No participation at any time: does the study involve concealment from and/or deception of the. Is confidentiality of the participant"s identity positively ensured: will the investigator fulfil all the promises made to the participants, does the study involve physical stress (or the participant"s expectation. No thereof), such as might result from heat, noise, electric shock, pain, sleep loss, deprivation of food and drink, drugs, alcohol: does the study involve the induction of mental discomfort in the. No participant (examples: fear, anxiety, loss of self-esteem, shame, guilt, embarrassment, becoming aware of personal weaknesses): will all necessary measures be taken to protect the physical safety of.