2800E- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 53 pages long!)

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As you begin reading research articles in psychology, it"s useful to gain experience identifying the most important information and thinking critically about this information. Read the assigned article and be prepared to discuss answers to the following questions during our next class (tuesday, may 23rd). C. , finegan, j. , hazlewood, d. , & wilkinson, m. (1985). Social cognition, 3, 313-321. (see pdf document posted on the owl resources folder) Name four important pieces of information that appear in the abstract. Methods- what was done in the study. The different variables that you"re examining (personal vs situational attribute) The number of participants and who they are. To test the theory of attribution (personal and situational attributes effect on the behaviour towards another person) To examine the relation between the two attributions (personal and situational attributes) and the behaviour observed in response to this.