Psychology 3139A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Random Effects Model, Inclusive Fitness, Pleiotropy

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Humans and animals are different and shouldn"t be thought of in the same way. Humans have adapted in their own ways though (similar way of studying animal behaviour) Claims of familial resemblance daly + wilson: analyzed video tapes of birth, recorded verbal utterances. Paternal resemblance alleged 2x as much as maternal. Most times mom would say the baby looked like the father: newspaper survey. Paternal resemblance didn"t depend on sex of baby. Mother"s relatives slightly more likely to claim paternal resemblance. Claiming certainty of paternity is important (fertilization/ovulation concealed, birth is visible) Male is capable of providing material/paternal benefits to the baby (even if not biological) Females want the parental care for their babies, even if the father isn"t the father. Attempts of mother/relatives to raise paternal certainty. Function: raise coefficient of relatedness to improve chances of parental care. Inbreeding avoidance: mating bw close kin = inbreeding.