Psychology 3139A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Photodiode, Understanding Consciousness, Cognitive Computing

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Philosophical approach: what does philosophy add to cognitive science, thagard paper, demonstration of confirmation bias avoidance via conditional reasoning (logic from philosophy) used for the scientific method. Demonstration of confirmation bias avoidance via conditional reasoning (logic from philosophy) used for the scientific method. The power of disconfirmation allows us to avoid the human confirmation bias. Bias is the basis of scientific hypothesis testing. Scientists think if a is true, then x should be observed. Evidence x is observed therefore, a must be true. **this is called affirming the consequent and is not necessarily true!!!!! Instead, we need to deny the consequent by rejecting the null hypothesis if a is true, then x should be observed. X was not observed, therefore a is false. We can only logically deny the consequent rather than affirm the consequent (we have to reject the null).