Psychology 3301F/G- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 26 pages long!)

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Increases mortality: found in all countries, ** page 4 facts review. Determining the nature and scope of clinical psych: clinical psychology is the branch of psychology that focuses on developing assessment strategies and interventions to deal with these painful experiences that touch e(cid:448)eryo(cid:374)e(cid:859)s life. Shadows: mhcc: designed to foster collaboration among different levels of government, service pro(cid:448)iders, resear(cid:272)hers et(cid:272) , mhcc has two clear messages about people living with a mental disorder, 1. Have a right to receive services and supports they need: 2. Have right to be treated with same dignity and respect as those struggling to recover from any kind of illness: mchh has 6 initiatives/projects, 1. Apa involves research, teaching and services relevant to applications of principles, (cid:373)ethods . Tri(cid:448)e to re(cid:272)og(cid:374)ize the i(cid:373)porta(cid:374)(cid:272)e of di(cid:448)ersity a(cid:374)d stri(cid:448)es to understand gender, culture, and other dimensions of diversity.