Psychology 3723F/G Study Guide - Final Guide: Sicko, Twin, Tracheotomy

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4 weeks later (cid:224) opposition to us developing nuclear submarines: why did sleeper effect occur, hovland & weiss: dissociation of source and content in memory , participants in high and low credibility conditions learned the content equally, but acceptance was reduced by the low credibility cue, over time, as the low credibility cue became dissociated from content, the content was able to influence attitudes. No reinstatement of credibility: participants did not listen to the moderator"s introduction again: attitude support for harsh treatment of juvenile delinquents, when people were reminded of the source, attitude didn"t change (only increased or decreased when they forgot about the source, attempts to produce a true sleeper effect (increased persuasion over time following a message from a low credibility source) have often been unsuccessful, gruder et al. (1978) articulated a set of conditions that are necessary in order for a sleeper effect to be possible (prerequisites for a sleeper effect) (1) message must be persuasive.