Rehabilitation Sciences 3060A/B Final: TBI Case answers

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Not able to track auditory or visual stimuli. Varying levels of strength in arms and legs. Full assistance sit at side of bed. Requires full assistance to roll in bed and transfer bed to chair. Does not vocalize or make any attempt to communicate. Can follow 2 and 3 step commands when in a closed environment (not distracted) Otherwise can follow 1-step commands in open environment. Can attend to tasks for 5 minutes at most. Full and close to n strength and rom in right arm and leg. Can react to challenges to her position (dynamic balance) with moderate reaching ability. Can stand for 3-5 minutes with minimal assistance & gait aids. Exhibits expressive aphasia (broca s non- fluent aphasia) but able to make basic needs known using verbal language. Has severe word retrieval deficits but normal receptive language skills. 5 months (20 weeks)-now at home-with husband-in day hospital. Oriented to person, time and place all the time.